Thursday, July 19, 2007

More Rambling....

Had a long discussion with the 24-year old summer chaplain at the college. She's an articulate self-professed Post-Modern Christian.
I have a lot to process, so here's the first thing. She said that in Lithuania, national identity, church identity, and ethnic identity are rolled into one. Being Catholic is an expression of your Lithuanianness, etc. Sounds very Modern, to me. No individual script-writing there.
So, as my students reported to me, religion is not important in terms of faith like we think of it in America. Like I said, though, there is a lot of devotion in church participation. It seems like it's as much about being a part of their people (Lithuanians) as it is about being part of God's people.
Second, Sandy says she cannot see how you can be Post-Modern and a Christian. If PoMo means no absolute truth, which our interlocutor acknowledged, how you can take Christ's claim of being the only route to God seriously?
We pressed her in this way, and she never answered.
Well, more discussion of this later.

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